Pronto is ON HOLIDAY

Pronto, the petite escort in Imperial Wharf, London

Pronto's eyes, as dark and enigmatic as a starless night, possess an uncanny ability to pierce the very depths of your soul.

Duration Incall Outcall
1 hour £300 £350
2 hours £550 £600
3 hours £800 £850
extra hour £250 £250
30 minutes £250 £350

About this escort

Amidst the vibrant tapestry of Imperial Wharf, London, where the River Thames whispers secrets and the air crackles with anticipation, there exists an enigmatic enchantress known only as Pronto. A petite Latina bombshell with a captivating aura, she embodies the very essence of allure and desire.

With a petite stature and a dress size of 10, Pronto is a vision of delicate loveliness. Her curvaceous form, adorned with smooth, caramel-hued skin, ripples with every movement, promising an unforgettable tactile experience. Her raven hair cascades over her shoulders like a silken waterfall, framing a face that could launch a thousand ships.

Pronto’s eyes, as dark and enigmatic as a starless night, possess an uncanny ability to pierce the very depths of your soul. They dance with a playful glint, inviting you to embark on an erotic adventure that will ignite your senses and leave you breathless.

Beneath her tantalizing exterior lies a Brazilian bum that is the epitome of perfection. Plump and shapely, it is a testament to her exotic heritage and promises to drive you wild with desire. Her natural 34C breasts, firm and voluptuous, stand proudly atop her body, begging to be caressed and adored.

As you surrender to Pronto’s captivating presence, her services ignite a symphony of sensations that will forever etch themselves into your memory. From the tantalizing delights of a 69 to the erotic embrace of a strap-on, she caters to every whim and desire with an unwavering commitment to your pleasure.

Pronto’s enchanting personality completes the picture, making her the perfect companion for any discerning gentleman. Her warm smile and infectious laughter will melt away your inhibitions, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment. With every encounter, she weaves a tapestry of erotic fantasy that will leave you craving more.

In the world of London’s elite escorts, Pronto reigns supreme. She is the embodiment of sensuality, mystery, and unparalleled pleasure. For those who seek an experience that transcends the ordinary, Pronto is the answer. Allow her to guide you into a realm where desire knows no bounds and every fantasy becomes a reality.

Connect with her via email at [email protected] or connect through phone, WhatsApp, or Telegram.

Services extra by this escort

Service Price
Bi Duo £100
Strap-on £100
WS (Giving) £60

Mode details about this escort

Price for 1st hour
Dress size 10
Breast size 34C
  • Height in cm: 162
  • Height feet: 5'4"
Hair colour